As a pre-school, McMillian’s First Steps started in March 1988 serving infants through pre-Kindergarten. Approval status to operate a school was received from the Non-public School/Bulletin 741 and from Brumfield vs Dodd on August 29, 2004. Currently it is a 5 star (out of 5 stars) center in the Quality Rating System Program and an academy serving infants through 5th grade. The Academy serves over 250 children from infant to 5th grade including Head Start and LA4 Early Childhood program students. The existing 14,000 square foot facility; the private, dedicated outdoor playground and the newly built (2015) 2- story facility specializes in providing developmentally appropriate activities for children, while creating an individualized curriculum where the focus is on the "whole" child regardless of race, ethnicity or gender.
Over half of our teachers have the Child Development Associate Credential (CDA) and several have Associate degrees in Education as well as Bachelor’s degrees.
As an academy, our primary mission is to deliver education and academically sound as well as developmentally appropriate activities. The secondary mission is to serve children from infant (6 weeks of age) through 5th grade (10-11 years of age); develop each child so that he or she will perform at the expected social, emotional, physical and social development level (i.e. toddler, kindergarten, etc.) and ensure school readiness. The third mission is to provide a safe environment for children while parents pursue gainful employment and/or higher education. This in turn leads to gainful employment and reduces the potential for high-school drop-outs and the resulting life of violence and crime.
McMillian’s has an After School Enrichment Program (ASEP) that provides a warm, caring environment beyond school hours where your child or children have the opportunity to play with school friends and get homework out of the way before the family sits down to dinner. ASEP offers exciting activities which stimulate children to be healthier and happier, including sports, art activities and computer exploration. After School Enrichment Programs operate at McMillian’s First Steps, utilizing age-appropriate materials and equipment for students. From the computer center to the playground, students spend out-of-school hours in safe and stimulating environments. Using a curriculum correlated with the Common Core and Essential Standards, ASEP Site Coordinators, school administrators and teachers work together to ensure their ASEP programs supplement the learning taking place during the school day.
Besides academic support, the ASEP program focuses on the development of students’ social skills. Our program leaders are respectful and positive toward students, mindful of the importance of appropriate role models. Students are encouraged to develop friendships with schoolmates that for some will last many years.
Students in the ASEP program participate in:
Homework sessions (1.5 hours)
Games and sports activities
Nature exploration—their outdoor or indoor environment
Computer exploration
Literacy activities
Arts and Crafts
Math Centers
Science Experiments
Nutrition & Fitness Activities
McMillian’s also runs a summer program from June through August. The summer program involves a set of weekly sessions involving early learning (4-6 year olds), martial arts, swimming, art and music enrichment offerings, academic skills (including reading and math), field trips (i.e., the zoo, sports outings, water parks etc.); and more. Activities are meant to be fun, education and academically sound as well as developmentally appropriate. Children will be prepared for school with our school readiness program. Each day, any of our teachers will provide daily learning experiences in math, science and/or literacy through special educational activities to help keep students’ minds sharp all summer long.